Papaya Leaf Tea as Anticancer
Scientific Paper Utilization of Papaya Leaf Tea as Anticancer Compiled by: Sumiati & Fina Hamidah Supervising teacher: Yuyun Melani, S.Pd SMA N1 SUNGAI LILIN HIGH SCHOOL 2016/2017 TEACHING YEAR 1. APPROVAL SHEET Title of Scientific Work: Utilization of Papaya Leaf Tea as Anticancer Author: Name: Fina Hamidah NISN: Name: Sumiati NISN School: SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Lilin This paper was approved in May 2012. By: Mentor Yuyun Melani, S.Pd NIP 2. INTRODUCTION Praise and gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT. Thanks to the abundance of His gifts, the author was able to complete the writing of a scientific paper entitled "Utilization of Papaya Leaf Tea as an Anticancer" on time. I realize that writing scientific papers is still far from what was expected. This is caused by the limited knowledge and experience of the author. This obstacle can be overcome because not a little attention and assistance has been given by ...