Papaya Leaf Tea as Anticancer

Scientific Paper Utilization of Papaya Leaf Tea as Anticancer

Compiled by: Sumiati & Fina Hamidah
Supervising teacher: Yuyun Melani, S.Pd



Title of Scientific Work: Utilization of Papaya Leaf Tea as Anticancer
Name: Fina Hamidah
Name: Sumiati
School: SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Lilin
This paper was approved in May 2012.
Yuyun Melani, S.Pd

Praise and gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT. Thanks to the abundance of His gifts, the author was able to complete the writing of a scientific paper entitled "Utilization of Papaya Leaf Tea as an Anticancer" on time.
I realize that writing scientific papers is still far from what was expected. This is caused by the limited knowledge and experience of the author. This obstacle can be overcome because not a little attention and assistance has been given by various parties who have helped the completion of this scientific paper. For this reason, on this occasion the authors express their sincere thanks to:
1. Mr. Hendri S.Pd, as the principal who has given permission in the implementation of writing this scientific paper.
2. Ms. Yuyun Melani, S.d, as the Indonesian language teacher who has guided the author in writing this rich scientific writing.
3. All parties who cannot be mentioned one by one, have helped many writers in writing this scientific paper.
The author hopes that this scientific paper can add to people's insights on the use of papaya leaves. So that it can provide good benefits for all of our health.
Finally, I as a writer remain open to accepting all forms of constructive criticism and advice. May Allah SWT always bestow His gifts on us all.
Sungai Lilin, May 2017


Validity sheet................................................ .................................................. ............... ii
Foreword................................................ .................................................. ....................... iii
Table of contents................................................ .................................................. .................................. iv
List of picture................................................ .................................................. ......................... v
List of Tables................................................ .................................................. ............................. vi
Abstract................................................. .................................................. ................................... vii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................. .................................................. ............ 1
A. Background.............................................. .................................................. ...................... 1
B. Identification of Problems .............................................. .................................................. ............... 2
C. Research Objectives .............................................. .................................................. ................... 2
D. Research Benefits .............................................. .................................................. ................. 2
E. Data Collection Method ............................................. .................................................. .... 2
F. Systematics of Writing .............................................. .................................................. ............ 3
CHAPTER II. REFERENCES ................................................ .................................................. ... 4
A. Papaya Plant .............................................. .................................................. .................. 4
B. Description of Papaya Leaves ............................................. .................................................. .......... 5
C. Cancer .............................................. .................................................. .................... 6
CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY................................................. .................................................. .......... 8
A. Research Place and Time ............................................ .................................................. 8
B. Tools and Materials ............................................. .................................................. ....................... 8
1. Tools ............................................... .................................................. ....................................... 8
2. Material ............................................... .................................................. ................................... 8
C. Methods of Making Papaya Leaf Tea ........................................... ..................................... 8
D. Testing ............................................... .................................................. ........................... 10
CHAPTER IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION............................................... ........................................ 11
A. Benefits of Papaya Leaf Tea ............................................ ................................................. 11
B. Weaknesses Papaya Leaf Tea ............................................ ................................................. 11
CHAPTER V. CLOSING .............................................. .................................................. .................... 12
A. Conclusion............................................... .................................................. ......................... 12
B. Suggestions ............................................... .................................................. ................................... 12
BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................ .................................................. ................ 13
Papaya Plant ................................................ .................................................. ..................... 4
Papaya leaf................................................ .................................................. ............................ 8
Dry Papaya Leaves ............................................... .................................................. ................. 9
Pulverization................................................. .................................................. ........................... 9
Papaya Leaf Tea Powder .............................................. .................................................. .......... 9
Papaya Leaf Tea ............................................... .............................................

Health is something we should be thankful for and keep our bodies in good working order. However, we do not know that disease can strike our body at any time. Everyone has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells are not seen in standard tests until they multiply into billions. Therefore, treatment is needed that is expected to prevent cancer cell growth.
Cancer or malignant neoplasm is a disease characterized by abnormal cell cycle abnormalities that give rise to the ability of cells to:
· Uncontrolled growth (cell division exceeds normal limits)
· Attacks nearby biological tissue.
· Migrate to other body tissues through the blood circulation or lymphatic system, called metastasis.
Papaya leaves can be used to prevent cancer.
Papaya extract has no toxic effect on normal cells so it is safer than cancer therapy in general. This extract will inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the body.
Papaya leaves are processed into papaya leaf tea for easy consumption. Making it easy is expected to encourage people to be able to imitate it. Utilization which is used as traditional medicine does not have a negative impact even though the dose is added.


A. Background
Health is a favor given by God that we should be grateful for. Our body has been equipped with an immune system that always keeps us from various diseases that are harmful to us. Everyone has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells are not seen in standard tests until they multiply into billions. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it means that the tests are not able to detect cancer cells because the cancer cells do not reach a predictable amount.
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that cancer diagnoses worldwide will find 12 million sufferers this year. Moderate deaths from cancer globally will reach seven million. The trend of this disease will increase two-fold and be more deadly by 2030. It is likely that 75 million sufferers will inhabit this world.
Every year cases and deaths from cancer increase by one percent. This number will increase more sharply especially in China, Russia and India. That is, cancer cases will be like 'fungus in the rainy season' with 27 million sufferers in 2030, with a mortality rate of 17 million people.
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in adults in the Western hemisphere, and is one of the leading causes of death of children due to diseases between 1 and 14 years old. Nevertheless, this disease rarely attacks young people. In the United Kingdom, cancer affects about 1 in 650 children.
The death rate according to age per 100,000 population of all male cancer sufferers is 246.5 in Hungary (one of the highest), whereas in Mexico this rate only reaches 83.5 (one of the lowest). For women, the rate was 139.8 in Denmark and 62.3 in Mauritius. The rate for England and Wales is 179.2 for men and 125.7 for women; in the United States, this rate is 164.4 for men and 110.6 for women. For certain forms of cancer, the difference in rates between countries can reach 40 times. Research on populations migrating from one geographical area to another shows that this difference is a result of lifestyle differences, and not because of ethnic factors. This is consistent with other findings that show that most cancers are mainly related to causes that originate in the environment and are not caused by hereditary factors, although the two can interact with each other.
The most cancer-causing casualties in Europe and the United States are lung, colon (colorectal), breast, prostate, and stomach cancers. When combined, half of all cancer deaths are caused by this type of cancer. They together, together with skin cancer, are the most common types of cancer affecting humans. Skin cancer is the first or second most common cancer in many Western countries such as the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom. Fortunately, skin cancer, except for malignant melanoma (the most rare type but the most severe), rarely fatal.
This proves how much anticancer is needed to prevent these cancer cells. Anticancer made from natural and easily obtained by various groups without having to pay for treatment after contracting this dangerous disease. This can be overcome by using papaya leaves as an anticancer. Benefits of papaya leaves, In research conducted by Dang it is known, papaya leaf extract will produce a molecule called Th1 type of cytokines that help boost the body's immune system. This will support therapies that utilize the immune system to fight cancer.
However, it is very unfortunate because papaya leaves do not use optimally by the community. People are not aware of the benefits of papaya leaves. Therefore, the authors are interested in conducting research on the use of papaya leaves as one of the traditional medicines for anticancer.

B. Identification of Problems
Based on the data that the authors describe above, several problems can be formulated, including:
1. How to use papaya leaves to prevent cancer or as an anticancer?
2. What ingredients are contained in papaya leaves as an anticancer?

C. Research Objectives
This research aims to:
1. Utilizing papaya leaves as one of the traditional medicines for anticancer.
2. Providing alternative ways to prevent cancer attacks early.
3. Introducing to the public one of traditional medicines that is safer and easier to make and obtain in nature.

D. Research Benefits
1. Provide relevant references to relevant agencies to conduct further research on the potential contained in papaya leaves as an anticancer.
2. Provide input to the world of health fatherly to make papaya leaves as an alternative for healing cancer.
3. Provide information and input to the community, especially Kebumen people or cancer sufferers, to be able to process, utilize, and make their own papaya leaf tea from raw materials available in nature.

E. Data Collection Method
In the preparation and completion of this scientific paper, the author uses the following methods:
1. Literature Study
This method is done by finding information through books as a reference in this scientific paper. The books used are books that deal with the problems discussed in this scientific paper.
2. Research
This method is carried out to test the correctness of the problems discussed in this scientific paper. Research carried out uses materials and simple tools so that people can follow them.
3. Explore the Maya
This method is done to find information or data that the author did not get from the previous methods. The sites visited relate to the issues discussed in this scientific paper.


A. Papaya Plant
Papaya (Carica papaya L.), or calf, is a plant that originated in southern Mexico and northern parts of South America, and is now widely spread and widely planted throughout the tropics for its fruit. C. papaya is the only type in the genus Carica. The name papaya in Indonesian is taken from the Dutch language, "papaja", which in turn also takes its name from the Arawak language, "papaya". In Javanese papaya is called "katès" and in Sundanese "gedang".

Figure 1. Papaya Plants
The benefits that can be obtained from papaya plants include:
· Papaya root can be used to eradicate pinworms, treat kidney disease, bladder pain, gout, be bitten by insects and reduce high blood pressure.
· Papaya leaves besides being used as a vegetable, it has many benefits. Among them can be to improve appetite, treat malaria, stomach cramps, treat beriberi, heat pain, and insomnia.
· Papaya flower florets can be used as an appetite enhancer besides being used as a vegetable.
· Papaya fruit can be used to facilitate digestion, treat the stomach and smooth the skin. In addition, the papaya fruit contains enzymes that can be used to prevent the growth of breast cancer cells.
(tidak termasuk)
(tidak termasuk)
C. papaya

Carica papaya 
Table 1. Papaya Scientific Classification

B. Description of Papaya Leaves
Papaya leaves are leaves of the papaya plant (Carica papaya). Shaped and somewhat jagged at the edges and green. In general, the most widely consumed are young or old leaves and eaten as raw vegetables or boiled first. Papaya leaves taste bitter and contain the enzyme bromelin (enzyme pengempuk).
Benefits of papaya leaves for the human body:
1. As an Acne Medication
For those of you who feel insecure have acne on their faces. Especially for women who always pay attention to beauty. Papaya leaves can treat it by making it a mask. Well, how to make a mask is to take 2-3 pieces of old papaya leaves. Then dry and mash until smooth. Add one and a half tablespoons of water, then you can use it for a face full of zits.
2. Benefits of Smoothing Digestion
The leaves of papaya plants contain chemical compounds karpain. These substances can kill microorganisms that often interfere with digestive function.
3. Increase appetite
This benefit is especially for children who are difficult to eat. Take fresh papaya leaves and have the size of your palm. If you have found add a little salt and half a cup of warm water. Mix everything and then blend. Then filter the water, now that water can be used to increase appetite.
4. Dengue fever
Who would have thought that papaya can also cure dengue fever. Try to take 5 leaves. Add half litre of water then boil. Take the water if it is only a quarter left behind. I myself have never proven it, so if the situation does not improve immediately immediately to the doctor (even if memabaik immediately take it to the doctor). Think of it as first aid.
5. Menstrual pain
Old Javanese women often use papaya leaves to treat menstrual pain. Just take 1 sheet of leaf, add tamarind and salt. Then mix with a glass of water and boil. Cool before drinking the papaya concoction.
6. Anti-Cancer
This is still uncertain, but from several studies that the benefits of papaya leaves can also be developed as an anti-cancer. Actually not only the leaves, but papaya stems can also be used. Because both have milky latex (white gum like milk).
Vitamin A
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin C
88,00 kal
6,10 g
1,60 g
16,70 g
373,00 mg
98,00 mg
2,10 g
1,80 mg
16130,00 B-karRE
0,15 mg
0,72 mg
181,00 mg
2,10 mg
C. Cancer
Surefire or cancer or malignant neoplasm is a disease characterized by abnormal cell cycle abnormalities that give rise to the ability of cells to:
· Uncontrolled growth (cell division exceeds normal limits)
· Attacks nearby biological tissue.
· Migrate to other body tissues through the blood circulation or lymphatic system, called metastasis.
It is these three malignant characters that distinguish cancer from benign tumors. Most cancers form tumors, but some don't, like leukemia. The branch of medicine that deals with the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer is called oncology.
Cancer can cause many different symptoms, depending on the location and character of the malignancy, as well as the presence or absence of metastasis. Diagnosis usually requires microscopic examination of tissue obtained by biopsy. After being diagnosed, cancer is usually treated with surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation.
Most cancers cause death. Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in developing countries. Most cancers can be treated and many cured, especially if treatment is started early. Many forms of cancer are related to environmental factors which can actually be avoided. Smoking can cause more cancers than any other environmental factor. Tumors (Latin; swelling) refer to abnormal tissue masses, but can be either "malignant" (cancerous) or "benign" (noncancerous). Only malignant tumors can attack other tissues or metastasize. Cancer can spread through lymph nodes or blood vessels to other organs.
In the United States and several other developing countries, cancer is now responsible for about 25% of all deaths. Within a year, around 0.5% of the population is diagnosed with cancer.
In adult men in the United States, the most common cancers are prostate cancer (33% of all cancer cases), lung cancer (13%), colon and rectal cancer (10%), bladder cancer (7%), and "cutaneous melanoma (5%). As the most common cause of lung cancer death (31%), followed by prostate cancer (10%), colon and rectal cancer (10%), pancreatic cancer (5%) and leukemia (4%).
For adult women in the United States, breast cancer is the most common cancer (32% of all cancer cases), followed by lung cancer (12%), colon and rectal cancer (11%), endometrial cancer (6%, uterus) ) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (4%). Based on death cases, lung cancer is most common (27% of cancer deaths), followed by breast cancer (15%), colon and rectal cancer (10%), ovarian cancer (6%), and pancreatic cancer (6% ).
Statistics can vary greatly in other countries. In Indonesia, cancer is the third largest contributor to death after heart disease. The main causes of cancer in the country are unhealthy lifestyles, such as lack of exercise, smoking, and unhealthy eating patterns. In plants, cancer is a disease caused by certain types of fungi / bacteria. The pattern of plant cancer invasion and cancer in humans is very different.
Cancer is a disease of which 90-95% of cases are caused by environmental factors and 5-10% due to genetic factors. Environmental factors that usually lead to cancer deaths are tobacco (25-30%), diet and obesity (30-35%), infections (15-20%), radiation, stress, lack of physical activity, environmental pollutants.


A. Place and Time of Research
The process of making papaya leaf tea is carried out at the author's house. The implementation time is from January to February 2012.
B. Tools and Materials
1. Tools
Equipment used in this study include:
a. Flat tray or pan
b. Oven
c. Muthu or pounder
2. Material
Materials used in this study:
a. Papaya leaf
In this study papaya leaves are used as raw materials for making papaya leaf tea.
b. Water
Raw water is used to wash papaya leaves clean and hot water to brew papaya leaf tea.
C. Method of Making Papaya Tea
The method used to make papaya leaf tea is to use a simple method and the author's innovation. The method of making papaya leaf tea is as follows:
1. Selection of papaya leaves
Papaya leaves used are papaya leaves that are young or not too old.
2. Washing
Papaya leaves that will be dried beforehand are washed thoroughly using running water, then drained.
3. Drying
The leaves that have been washed clean then dried. The drying process can be done in 2 ways, namely:
a. Dried in the sun
Place the leaves on a tray, then dry in the sun to dry. Drying for about 4-5 days depends on the weather.

Figure 2. Drying
b. Ovens
Place the leaves on a flat baking sheet, then enter the oven. Wait until the leaves dry.
4. Collision
After the leaves have dried, mash them using muthu until smooth.
Figure 4. Collision

Figure 3. Dry papaya leaves
After refined, we can brew papaya leaf tea using hot water.

Figure 6. Papaya leaf tea

Figure 5. Papaya leaf tea powder
The method of making papaya leaf tea above is one of the effective ways in making papaya leaf tea. These methods include simple manufacturing techniques so that people are expected to imitate them. The scheme of making papaya leaf tea as follows:

Selection of papaya leaves




Figure 7. Schematic of making papaya leaf tea
D. Testing
This test was conducted to determine the efficacy of the use of papaya leaf tea. Papaya leaves that have become powder, brewed using hot or warm water. Papaya leaf tea is taken 2 times a day regularly. The content in papaya leaf tea will reduce tumor cells that cause cancer. The use of papaya leaf tea requires a certain period of time to find out its usefulness. Check with your doctor to find out cell growth.
These steps are a simple way to test the ability of papaya leaf tea as an anticancer. In addition to testing papaya leaf tea, the method above also aims for people to imitate it as one of the traditional medicines that is easily available in nature.


A. Benefits of Papaya Leaf Tea
Utilization of papaya leaves as an anticancer is done by processing it into papaya leaf tea. At every stage of manufacture has a purpose. In the first stage, selection of papaya leaves that are young or not too old and still fresh. Young papaya leaves have a good content to be processed as an anticancer. In the next stage is the process of washing using clean running water. This step is carried out aiming to clean the papaya leaves from dirt or dust in the dusty papaya leaves, so that the leaves are kept clean.
In the third stage, namely drying, the aim is to make papaya leaves easily used as extracts or powders which will later be consumed as papaya leaf tea. Furthermore, after the papaya leaves dry, we mash becomes smooth. Papaya leaf fine powder that is the extract to be brewed into papaya leaf tea.
The use of papaya leaf tea does not have a negative impact even though the use dose is added. This is due to the manufacturing made from natural ingredients without the addition of chemicals. Papaya leaves have milky latex (white gum like milk) which functions as an anticancer that inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
B. Weaknesses Papaya Leaf Tea
Making papaya leaf tea still produces a bitter taste like the taste of the papaya leaf itself. The bitterness can be one reason someone is reluctant to consume it. Its use as a traditional medicine for anticancer is still very low because of the lack of research on the size of the tea leaves of papaya.
The community is still low in knowledge about the benefits of papaya leaves. Therefore, its utilization in the midst of the community is still small.

CHAPTER V. Closing

A. Conclusion
From the results of research on papaya leaves, the author can conclude the following:
1. Papaya leaves can be used as traditional medicine to prevent cancer.
2. Consuming papaya leaf tea regularly can reduce the growth of cancerous tumor cells.
3. Consuming traditional medicines such as papaya leaf tea does not provide side effects such as the use of chemical drugs.
B. Suggestions
1. Other research is needed to examine the utilization of papaya leaves as an anticancer.
2. It is necessary to apply the use of papaya leaf tea by the community to prevent the onset of cancer early.
3. There needs to be special attention from the government in producing potential earth products as useful medicines.

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Twitter: Sumiati4687l
YouTube: sumiati 4687l


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